Itchy, peeling eyelids, reddened swollen, why, how to treat the causes

Itchy, peeling eyelids, reddened swollen, why, how to treat the causes
Itchy, peeling eyelids, reddened swollen, why, how to treat the causes

The feeling that the eyelids itch is familiar to everyone. Usually it is enough to eliminate the irritant - a fluff, a hair, and so on - to get rid of the itch.

But a constant, unnerving feeling that makes you rub your eyes endlessly can be a symptom of a fairly serious disorder in the body.

Causes of discomfort

The eyelids may itch in both eyes or in one, this feeling is observed at the top, bottom or in the corners. Not necessarily, but often the presence of itching on both sides indicates either a systemic disorder or a certain irritating factor - cosmetics, eye preparations. One side suffers from infectious diseases.

Here's why your eyelids may itch:

  • irritation with hygiene products, low-quality cosmetics;
  • allergies, more often to dust, pollen, drugs;
  • adverse reaction to ophthalmic preparations (drops, ointments, gels);
  • respiratory infection;
  • incorrectly selected contact lenses or liquid for their storage;
  • low humidity in the room;
  • age-related changes leading to dry eye syndrome;
  • diseases of the digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular systems.

Usually it is enough to eliminate the reasons why the eyelids itch. They try for a day or two to exclude the use of recently purchased cleansers, makeup removers, shadows, eyeliner, pencil, eye drops. If the symptoms disappear, these drugs are replaced. It is not necessary to have an allergy, just that they may contain harmful or irritating substances.

An allergic reaction requires confirmation by an allergist. He also prescribes antihistamine tablets or capsules that help reduce or even remove all manifestations. Sometimes it is enough to simply exclude the possibility of interaction with the substances that cause the reaction.

There are other reasons for not only itching, but swelling of the eyelids, blush, peel. These are various infectious and inflammatory diseases:

  • prolonged stress leads to inflammation, manifested by redness, itching, swelling;
  • redden, swell, itchy eyes, pain may appear, pain when a foreign body enters;
  • conjunctivitis usually begins with itching in the corners, then the proteins turn red, the eyelids swell, discharge appears;
  • blepharitis is a purulent-inflammatory process on the eyelids, one of the causes of which may be demodicosis.

If the eyelids are swollen and itchy, one of the following conditions may be the cause:

  • barley appears due to drafts, bacteria cause it, the tumor appears closer to the outer edge of the eyelid;
  • ophthalmic disorders, that is, directly eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts, cataracts);
  • liver failure;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The last three violations rarely cause manifestations on the eyelids.

Main Risk Factors

The first symptom may be that the upper eyelid is red and itchy in one or both eyes. Red spots may appear on the nose, cheeks. In the evening, itching appears when the tick gets out to breed.

The cause of this disease can be not only a tick, but other infectious lesions. The symptoms remain the same: the eyelids turn red, swell, itch, peel, fester. If you do not take action, eyelashes may fall out, as well as inflammation of the conjunctiva, cornea and other adjacent tissues.

If you suspect an eye disease, you should contact an ophthalmologist. Their main danger lies in the threat of complete or partial loss of vision. Infections are dangerous because sooner or later bacteria, viruses penetrate the optic nerve, disrupting its functioning.

Ways to get rid of the problem

If the eyelids turn red, swell, itch, you can try to determine the causes of the diseases that cause such symptoms on your own, but the doctor should prescribe the treatment. It is necessary to start taking any medications only on the recommendation of a doctor.

A large number of eye diseases are treated for a long time, sometimes you have to change the course of treatment. Each of them requires an individual approach, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, which can only be detected by a qualified specialist.

The drugs prescribed by the doctor not only eliminate the cause of the disease, they also relieve their manifestations, which include itching.

If the eyelids are reddened and itchy, you need:

  • adhere to basic hygiene rules;
  • pay attention to the choice of hygiene and cosmetic products;
  • follow the daily routine, the rules of working at the computer.

Often, these symptoms last for a short time, pass on their own, if you give the body a rest, the opportunity to recover.

But when they are observed for three to four days, it is necessary to visit a doctor. You can start with a therapist who will write a referral to a narrow specialist - an ophthalmologist, dermatologist or allergist.

Help of traditional medicine

How to treat diseases in which the eyelids itch, traditional medicine will also tell you. Before using such products, be sure to comply with two conditions: make sure that there is no allergy to the ingredients and consult a doctor about the compatibility of the prescription with the medications you are taking.

Emollient applications of oatmeal are effective. For cooking you need:

  • oatmeal;
  • milk;
  • butter.


Instructions for use.

  1. Steam a small amount of oatmeal with milk, add butter to a creamy consistency.
  2. Cool, apply on the eyelids for half an hour several times a day.